
Thrust fault symbol arcgis
Thrust fault symbol arcgis

You use the Properties tab in Format Symbol mode of the Symbology pane to access all of the properties of a line symbol. These are called the basic properties of the symbol. The properties of line symbols come mainly from the properties of the symbol layers within them, but there are also some global properties you can adjust for the line symbol as a whole. You can change the properties of the symbol effect or delete it and replace them with a different effect as long as you maintain geometric logic within the symbol. In this case, Enclosing polygon symbol effect is also applied to dynamically create polygon geometry for the fill to draw. Rarely, line symbols also include fill symbol layers. Marker placement properties are included with marker symbol layers that are in line symbols. Line symbols can also include marker symbol layers, to draw markers along their length or at the endpoints.

thrust fault symbol arcgis

Line symbols typically contain one or more stroke symbol layers. Line symbols, like all symbol types, are composed of symbol layers. Line symbols are used to draw linear features and graphics in maps, scenes and layouts.

Thrust fault symbol arcgis